I am a multi-disciplinary designer and researcher. My design interest lies at the intersection of computational design, material-mediated interaction and fabrication. I find immense joy in designing and making things that bring people’s awareness to their environment, body and self. Be it an art installation, a space, a wearable or anything in between.
My creative journey began with a deep curiosity about the unseen connections between technology, materiality, and human experience. With expertise spanning computational design, interactive design, and digital fabrication, I thrive on exploring how design can craft sensory “architectures” and provoke critical reflection. From speculative interfaces that challenge technological norms to emergent, context-aware forms and structures, my work bridges disciplines to envision futures where design becomes a dynamic dialogue between form, material, and behavior. Beyond technical innovation, I am driven by a desire to tell stories—through objects, spaces, and systems—that reveal design's potential to inspire, question, and transform.
SPIN (Self-powered Paper Interfaces): Bridging Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Folding Paper Creases.
In Proceedings of TEI 2020
Chris Chen, David Howard, Steven Zhang, Youngwook Do, Sienna Sun, Tingyu Cheng, Zhong Lin Wang, Gregory D. Abowd, and Hyunjoo Oh.
Latent Sheep Dreaming: Machine for Extrapolated Visual Inception
In Proceedings of DIS 2020
Jiewen Wang, Ollie Hsieh, Jack Gale, Sienna Sun, Sang-won Leigh
Exergy: A Toolkit to Simplify Creative Applications of Wind Energy Harvesting
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol (IMWUT). 7, 1, Article 25 (March 2023)
Jung Wook Park, Sienna Xin Sun, Tingyu Cheng, Dong Whi Yoo, Jiawei Zhou, Youngwook Do, Gregory D. Abowd, Rosa I. Arriaga
Chicago Biennale
Group Exhibition
Georgia Tech Crosland Library
ACM DIS'20 Art Gallery
Group Exhibition